
Send out targeted email communications to your members


How do I create an email template?
As an administrator managing a membership database in GameDay, you have the ability to create an email template in order to define the content for any regular communications you will be sending to your members through GameDay. To create a new Email...
How do I send an email to members?
As an organisation managing a membership database, you can use their provided contact details to send email messages directly through the Members section of your GameDay database. To send an email to your members through GameDay: 1. In the left-...
How do I target my communication to specific member groups?
With members registering into your GameDay database, you can use the flexibility of your Member List to target your email communication to specific sub-sections of members, including: By Product By Member Type By Season/Age Group By Organisatio...
How do I view sent emails?
As an administrator using the Communications feature within GameDay, you can access a log of any email messages you have sent out to your members or participants following the steps below: 1. In the left-hand menu, click Members > COMMUNICA...
How do I add member names to my email content?
GameDay users can tag the First Name and Last Name of their members when composing the content for an email template using the steps below: 1. In the left-hand menu, click Members > COMMUNICATIONS 2. Click CREATE EMAIL TEMPLATE 3...